Best Acne treatment home remedies tips

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Written By blackheadremoval

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Acne can be a nightmare to any woman. Studies indicate that nearly 80 percent of the women across the world have suffered from acne at some point in their life. Acne is the most common form of skin disease. It is caused because of the blockages in the connection between the skin pores and oil glands under the skin. Oil called Sebum is secreted by these oil glands which help to remove the dead skin cells and move them up to the skin surface. Sometimes this passage gets blocked and leads to the formation of pimples and other forms of acne. Acne can be of various types including pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts etc.

What causes acne? Acne is primarily a result of:

causes acne

· Dead skin cells

· Blocked skin pores

· Excess oil production

· Bacteria

Apart from these physical reasons which result in the formation of acne, research has suggested that there are various other reasons which aggravate these causes resulting in acne.

· Hormonal imbalances

· Sleeplessness

· Mental stress

· Medications like birth control pills, androgen etc.

· Hormonal changes during menstrual cycle & menopause in adult women.

Acne is prevalent across all the races in the world and especially between the age group of 13-30 years. However modern day life induced stress is resulting in people being infected with acne beyond these regular age phases.

There are whole lots of Acne treatment products that are available in the market. Many Acne treatment creams, Acne medical pills etc claim to get rid of the acne. They are effective to treat acne but the major challenge is that these do not suit all the skin types. There is quite a good probability that you land up with red rashes on your face instead of getting rid of the acne. This encourages many women to look out for natural treatments of curing acne rather than opting for one of the acne treatments creams or medical pills that are available in the market. There are many sources online and offline who profess to provide beauty tips and many skin care experts who claim to know the cure for acne. However, it is important to be clear of this knowledge overload and understand what treatment would suit you better.

The medications available in the market are known to have chemicals which could be harsher on the skin. There are treatments which you can make at home and try get rid of acne. There are certain simple actions and precautions that you need to take to get rid of acne or to prevent it from occurring. Let us now look into the various home remedies.

1. Home remedy skin treatment for acne through cleansing:

remedy skin treatment

A gentle and thorough cleansing using the right materials would help get rid of blackheads, pimples etc. You can prepare a homemade cleansing face wash using coconut oil, honey, and vinegar. Tea tree oils and medical pills like probiotics can be added to the mix. Honey has the natural property of soothing the skin and tea tree oils helps to refresh the skin. Coconut oil fights bacteria and fungus. This acts as an effective blackhead remover.

Gently wash with this paste along with warm water twice a day. Ensure that you are not repeating it multiple times as it may cause irritation to the skin.

2. Toning for proper skin care:

Toning helps to clear out the residues left after cleansing. Toning twice a day enable to retain uniformity across the skin. Take a cotton ball and dip it in Apple Cedar Vinegar to rub over the face, especially those areas where acne occurs. Magnesium, Potassium, acetic acid etc which is present in the Apple Cedar Vinegar would help to fight and kill the bacteria.

3. Face masks:

face mask walmart
Face masks

There are many face masks that can be prepared at home which can used to clear acne are good for skin care.These face masks can be applied once or twice weekly which help to treat and heal the skin. Honey and Cinnamon mask can be made at home.

Honey & Cinnamon mask:

honey and cinnamon pore strip
Honey & Cinnamon Strip

Take two tablespoons of honey, mix it up with half table spoon of cinnamon and add one table spoon of coconut oil. Apply this mixture as a face mask and leave it for five to 10 minutes. Remove it with gentle water. The antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties of Honey and Cinnamon would help to fight fungus and bacteria thereby removing acne.

You can also make another mask where instead of Cinnamon you can add yoghurt. Mix them in 1:1 ratio i.e. one Table spoon of Yogurt with one able spoon of Honey. Apply it gently to the face and remove it after few minutes.

4. Aloe Vera:

aloe vera skin
Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great natural and homemade option to treat Acne. The gel extract from Aloe Vera is known to be used in various skin care products as well as Acne treatment creams. It consists of sulfur and Salicylic acids which are known to be good treatment for acne. This can be easily made available at home. Apply the gel obtained from Aloe Vera plant leaves and wash it off later.It not only helps to treat acne but is takes care of any other bruises or cuts on the face.

You can use it twice a day or more as required.

5. Exfoliating options at home:

homemade exfoliator for body
Exfoliating options at home

Dead skin cells are one of major causes of Acne. These dead skin cells would clog up the pores there by resulting in acne. It is important that these dead skin cells are regularly removed. Exfoliating is the process of removing the dead skin cells. The added advantage of exfoliating is that since it helps to unblock the pores in the skin it will allow for deeper penetration of other treatments into the skin.

Exfoliating can be done through scrubs which can be made at home. These scrubs can be made using any of Sea salt, brown sugar etc mixing up with a base which can be made of Coconut oil or honey. Scrub made by mixing Sea Salt with Coconut oil is most commonly used one. You can apply this scrub more than once daily.

Apart from these remedies which can be made at home. There are few tips which one can implement in their personal lives there by mitigating the chances of getting Acne or expedite the treatment of acne. Having a good and balanced diet starts at home and this is one sure method to ensure the problem of acne is tackled in advance. Leafy vegetable, fish and meat which is from naturally grown sources rather than industrially grown can be taken which helps to improve skin. Try avoiding sugar, wheat, hydrogenated oils in your regular diet. Along with proper diet another thing to remember is learn to overcome stress and avoid stressful situations. Stress leads to sleeplessness and other disorders which in turn aggravate acne.