Does tea tree oil get rid of acne?
Tea tree oil gets rid of acne if used the right way. In the case of acne, it is much related to the sensitivity of the skin, chronic inflammatory of the hair pores and the excessive secretion of sebum oil which are conducive breeding grounds for the acne bacteria. Finding the right treatment with tea tree oil get rid of acne scars can be a daunting journey. Tea tree oil (TTO) may be the solution! It sounds like a typical hippie treatment that would make you doubt its effectiveness if compared to the synthetic treatments with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Tea tree oil contains properties that act as natural antibacterial solutions, unlike the chemically formulated benzoyl peroxide, kills the bacteria in a gentle manner. How is this beneficial if I intend to get rid of acne scars fast? The slow and natural process protects the sensitivity of the skin, maintaining low levels of skin irritation. Tea tree oil also acts as an anti-inflammatory especially for those with highly sensitive skin. This can be a big deal when selecting the right skin treatment! There are many potent aspects of tea tree oil besides being a natural anti-bacterial – it also has natural antiseptic properties which counter the growth of Propionibacterium (acne bacteria). This is important in keeping the acne away from the skin. Its a very common that tea tree oil gets rid of acne fast always. Once used over a period of time, the chances of another acne outbreak are significantly reduced.
Just like any medication, it is essential to use tea tree oil to get rid of acne scars in the right way. This means diluting the concentrated amount in the right proportions and properly using it as an essential oil to reduce the acne scars. Mixing the tea tree oil with water is wrong since oil repels water. This makes the treatment virtually impossible to administer, instead oil loves oil, the tea tree oil can be diluted with other oils. Here are some simple instructions on how to use tea tree oil to get rid of acne scars;
• Tea tree oil is a supplementary solution, it should be used in addition to your other skin care products (moisturizer or cleanser)
• It should only be used as spot treatment.
• It can be diluted or applied neat. Generally, the acne scars may require concentrated dubs to heal faster.
• Apply the tea tree oil to the pimples with your finger to ensure it is only applied to the acne scars. Do not touch your face until the oil is absorbed.
• Preferably, it should be used at night. You could risk your face getting damaged by the sun…play it safe.
• The frequency should also be moderated e.g. applying it every other day as this would help monitor its effects and prevent any sensitivity issues that may arise.
Tip: Treating an oily skin also requires use of other products designed to combat excessive skin oils such as clays, which help to draw the oils from deep within the pores. It is essential that these cleansing products contain tea tree oil if possible for the best results.
Exfoliation can be used on a regular basis to speed up the healing process. It limits the build-up of dead skin which plugs the pores making it conducive for acne bacteria growth. Moisturizing is also important to supplement the essential oils like grapeseed and rosehip oils to the skin. Usually the skin lacks these oils. They can be added to the tea tree oil dilution in your home remedy or, you could purchase a moisturizer that contains these ingredients.
Tip: If you are planning on using tea tree oil to get rid of acne scars, you should purchase it from a drugstore or a pharmacist to ensure you buy the best and highest quality. The Australian Tea Tree Oil is the best quality in the market as it contains the highest content of terpinen 4-ol, primary active component.
More Info: Tea Tree oil to use.